Knowing these moves it increased our chance of winning. My participation throughout the whole period was at merit level I have chosen this grade because I was able to perform all of these moves correctly and participated at my full ability, although my grade was affected by the lack of sports wear I still think strongly that I deserve this, The three factors that influenced me were classmates, experience and fun and enjoyment I have chosen each of these factors because they've affected my participation immensely.
Classmates this factor is my key factor of participation because when playing this game, my fellow classmate were not interested in playing because we were winning this making the game boring, although this happening our team managed to influence the other team in try harder by doing this it made the game more fun and also helped the other peer's in getting a better grade, the factor classmates
in this game a positive effect on all of us because we motivated and influenced each other.
My second-factor experience help my performance in a great way, because by knowing strategies, game play and moves in boosted my confidence and made me more excited to play this also with experience I was able to share my knowledge with other peers, this being also positive for me because I was focused and my peers because it made them more familiar with the sport.
My final factor fun and enjoyment relates with experiences because with my knowledge I was able to have more fun and enjoy myself because I was able to just play without waiting for our teacher to explain which made our game-time longer, By having a longer time period it meant that we had more time to play and have fun.